Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Benefits of Industrial Steam Cleaners with Vacuum Extraction

As steam cleaning machines continue to be adopted by an increasing number of people worldwide, leading suppliers strive to keep up the competition by offering newer, improved versions guaranteed to simplify cleaning processes even further. To pick out the perfect steam cleaning system for your needs, you must have an idea about the technologies that set apart the best industrial steam cleaners from the rest.

Steam cleaning units come with low pressure levels. These machines are incapable of washing away dirt particles the way power cleaners do. Industrial steam cleaners help dissolve tough dirt particles and deposits so that you do not have to spend hours scrubbing away. The next step involves wiping away the softened deposits with a towel.

If you purchase steam cleaning equipment with the vacuum extraction function, it will simultaneously clean and extract, saving you the effort of wiping up.

Top-grade, industrial steam cleaners such as the KleenJet® Mega 3000CVP available from Daimer® now feature vacuum extraction functions. Other important aspects of this steam cleaning system include steam temperatures as high as 364ºF. This extremely hot steam works wonders when it comes to softening the hardened dirt, caked mud, and tough stains on various surfaces. These industrial steam cleaners also feature a HEPA filtration system. Thus, it works as a steam cleaning unit, HEPA dry/wet vacuum cleaner, and steam vacuum cleaner.

To serve the demanding maintenance needs in industrial settings, these industrial steam cleaners come with large solution and extraction tanks. To see one of the largest ranges of feature-rich steam cleaning machines, visit www.daimer.com.